Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Excuse the quality

Some pictures are just too cute not to post, even if they are from a cell phone.
We have community group on Tuesday nights, with a group of friends from our church, and often times Carleigh passes out. Last night, she gave us a good run for our money and finally passed out, about 10 minutes before we finished up. I won't mention that Daddy almost enjoyed a Vicodin-induced nap at the same time. We did all get a good giggle out of his "Butt Donut" though.


Stacey said...

Ok, you MUST post a butt donut picture...absolute necessity.

Anonymous said...

Oh Stacey have you not seen it? It is a very vivid bright yellow.
Calls attention to the injury for sure!

ShawnieBoy said...

Oh you will love the ass donut. Its great.

ShawnieBoy said...
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