Sunday, February 28, 2010

Per Stacey's request


Funky Kids in all their glory
Every week at funk, the kids learn a routine to a fun hip-hop song. When they are done, Miss April uses the leftover time to play "You Be A Star", where each kid goes center stage and busts a move. Usually, Autumn runs out, does a tiny shake and runs back, and we all applaud like mad because that takes a lot for her. Well, this week, they each had two turns, and Miss April asked that "Number 2" (Auty) stay a little longer during her second turn, and she sure did!

Roll it, Sista!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back at it!

I'm still alive, whew! I was pretty sick for a couple of days, and just layed low and rested. Thanks to a great hubby, I was able to stay in bed one day and just watch the action for another couple of days.
I wanted to post some pictures from a recent shoot I did in Temecula. I just can't get over how gorgeous this little girl is. She has some amazing eyes, don't you think? Happy Birthday to her, she just turned 1!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

She's not getting out of bed

Its a good day to keep the covers on and stay in bed. She will be back at it in a couple of days.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mini Me

We took Autumn and Carleigh to the Wild Animal Park, in Escondido, today. We had such a good time. We wandered around, took some tours and just enjoyed time with our little family. About half way through, we gave Auty the camera and let her do her thing. Here is a picture of her at work...
And, here is the resulting picture

She also got a very good perspective on a nice (almost) family picture. Its just missing her.

She seems to love using the camera, just like her parents.

Monday, February 22, 2010

She gets into EVERYTHING!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

She beat me to it...

I made Stacey take this picture because, well... look at my hair! It was just awesome. We had a busy Sunday. It started at 10am in Temecula for a photoshoot, family time after that, and then I had to head to San Diego for another shoot at the beach, which wrecked my hair... Then I had to take said hair to a meeting with potential wedding clients. Note to self: brush belongs in camera bag. Check out my unruly mane:
Stacey posted it to her blog, thinking I wouldn't copy. Guess what friend, I am not above blog thieving. :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I know, I know.. enough with the cell phone pictures. This one was too funny not to capture with what we had, and too funny not to post. An Allergy and Asthma Center, sharing its space with nothing less than a full on CIGAR shop! Now, thats job security!

Friday, February 19, 2010

You think your car is full?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Excuse the quality

Some pictures are just too cute not to post, even if they are from a cell phone.
We have community group on Tuesday nights, with a group of friends from our church, and often times Carleigh passes out. Last night, she gave us a good run for our money and finally passed out, about 10 minutes before we finished up. I won't mention that Daddy almost enjoyed a Vicodin-induced nap at the same time. We did all get a good giggle out of his "Butt Donut" though.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sweet Little Lady

She was mystified by this lovely little lady bug.

Monday, February 15, 2010


All the grown ups and Conner went snowboarding on Saturday, but Autumn and Grammy chilled at home with Sissy. She really wanted to go and learn to ski, but we decided we would wait until her vision is 100%. Luckily, Autumn has the best grandpa in the world. He knew she was bummed and promised her a trip to go tubing the next day, just the two of them (and of course Daddy would take pictures). So, off they went. I thought she would be hesitant, she did ask if the tubes had seatbelts...
I was totally wrong. They went up four times while Grammy and I went shopping in town. We made it back just in time for the fifth, and last run. She started by doing her standard wave to the crowd..

Which turned into holding her hand up like she was riding a rollercoaster..

I tell you, this child never fails to surprise me.

What happens in Big Bear....

Gets posted on Mommy's blog!
Autumn enjoyed a sink bath, thanks to her loving Grammy. I was afraid she might be embarassed, but nope! She even asked to partake in the same bathing style the following night. My silly girl.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snowed Out!

We came to Big Bear this weekend. We were expecting to have some good snow from the last two snow storms. We didn't realize we would have to dig in... We actually hired a guy to plow the two driveways so we had a place to park.
Thank you Mister Nash!

We are so glad to be in, and enjoying our Valentine's Day weekend with the ones we love.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Capturing Their Spirit

I have taken many, many pictures of my children. Every so often I come across one that captures their spirit perfectly. Right now, we are going through some struggles with Autumn's eyes. The irony is that those eyes are the window to her soul. She has the kindest, most beautiful brown eyes. You really can see her nature through them. On the morning before a big eye appointment I decided to catch some cool pictures of Autumn. Her great grandmother sent her a lollipop that has a scorpion inside. I thought it would be hilarious to get her feather boa out, make her look girly and frilly, and throw in the nasty lolly.. Well, I forgot all about that idea when I got her set up. She got seated and I took a couple with just the boa on, and then she wrapped up and WOW...
This has to be the most honest picture of her. This picture captures her perfectly. My innocent, withheld, nurturing, loving, kind, amazing child.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

In the name of a good picture..

She is awake now, but I did get the picture.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Her Furry BFF

Autumn and Amber are snuggle pals when they wake up in the morning. I always hear little giggles and squeaks while I am taking a shower, and they are frolicking all over my bed. When I came out this morning Autumn called me over to see them "snuggin' up". She loves her pup.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love is in the Air

With a kiss like this, how can you deny it?
A beautiful example of pure, unconditional love.

Mommy told Daddy...

To put this cord away...
You think this will help him move faster?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Go Finger

Look who is eatin' finger foods! She is growing up way too fast.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Beat me, please

Shawn and I are having a BLAST playing Tetris and beating eachother's scores. He has all time score in Magic (Which he can't even beat..) and I have the high score in Marathon. Tetris has been my all time favorite video game since I had an old Nintendo system, waaaaaaaaay back in the day. Thank God for my Touch. I'm back in the saddle again.

If you love a little healthy competition, join in!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Pile of Love

Friday, February 5, 2010

My days are filled with....

This is my motley crew

Travis (6), Autumn (4), Colby (4), and Carleigh (7 months)
Only two are actually my babies, but the other two are family all the same.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

You know you want Day 5 :)

LOVING, and I mean loving these new frames and textures my hubsters showed me.
Yes, I get to keep my dollar.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 4- Processing Week

We are calling this preset 'WinterFresh'. Shawn created this preset Bridge. I love how it looks with this picture, but we tried it on a few others and it just didn't fit. I bet we will come across more that its perfect for. Maybe the snow pictures we will be taking in Big Bear over Valentine's Day weekend. Hee hee!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Her First Ponytail!!!

She has enough hair! Yay!
I like this new do. Carleigh is not so sure.

Day 3- Processing Week

Shawn did a little something to this picture, made her eyes pop. I added a little action that I love and brushed it off of her face. I think it looks cool.
What do you think?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Processing Week

This week I am going to let Shawnie have his fun with the blog. We are going to use the same set of pictures all week, but process each one totally differently.
This one is a new b&w style, with a little color brushed in. I love how it came out, might be my new favorite black and white style.
What do you think?
Autumn was particularly happy to pose last night, and the pictures are adorable, so we are going to run with that and see what fun new things we can come up with.
Hope you enjoy!