Friday, March 5, 2010

My Big Girl

How did it happen? She is so tall, and skinny, and just pretty. I don't know when it happened. I'm not sure I'm too fond of her getting older and doing big kid things. She wants to take the training wheels off her bike, and is talking about Kindergarten all the time. Can someone please stop the clock? What amazes me is how someone so young and sweet can be so pensive. She always seems to be deep in thought, very responsive and always aware, but just cautious and thoughtful. Pictures always capture that side of her.

Oh, Auty. My big kid, no need to rush growing up. It will be gone in a flash...


Grammy said...

You know how to make her Grammy cry! But then I remember how exciting it is to watch her become the person she is meant to be. This child is simply AMAZING!

Stacey G. said...

I can't believe She's going to be 5! It is so fun to watch them grow up.