Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Monday, March 29, 2010

Its been too long...

We've been busy..

And, we have the 4 kids to prove it! Ha ha!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

the IS works!

Haven't spilled a drop yet..

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Autumn's First Recital

She is a beautiful ballerina, and she had a blast.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jumpin' for Joy (or carrots)

Chelsea is amazing! We love watching her ride Guiness and do these powerful jumps.. Both of my girls had a blast and were totally in awe of the horsie.

And, Auty and Grandma Suzanne had time to soak up some rays too

What a great day it is, when you get to spend it with friends that ARE family.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

When you're fast asleep...
Just a teaser from the rehearsal. Pictures from the big recital tomorrow to come soon.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Eye Games

Autumn started doing her computer program that is supposed to help her eyes converge. She really enjoyed it, but was super uncomfortable. She really wanted to cover her eyes, as you can see in the top picture. Its going to be uncomfortable for a while, but I am praying it works.

At least she looks really cool while she works

Its not all bad, she seems to like the idea and tries really hard to focus.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Where is the time going?

Carleigh turned 9 months old yesterday. How did that happen?
Wasn't she just this size?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I fell off the wagon...

I owe a lot of posts, yikes. I am not sure what happened. One minute I was thinking about posting and the next minute I was getting into my warm cozy bed. Anyways, I'm back!
This past weekend we went to Citywalk and waltzed around a bit. Came across possibly the coolest activity ever. Indoor Skydiving! We watched for a solid half an hour before we had to literally drag Autumn and her father away.
Autumn and Shawn agreed they would give it a try when she turns six. Six is her magic number for trying all the things that seem too big for her. She is also going to try those mini bungee jumper trampoline things at six. We shall see...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Walkin' her pup

Both parties have finally reached the age where Autumn can hold the leash and noone gets tripped or lost. Amber is a feisty little walker, so we waited patiently. They both enjoyed it, very much.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Friday, March 12, 2010

Her First Tooth

Can you see it???

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Busy Bees, Busy Bees

Look at Miss Autumn, please

This is Autumn and her class of Busy Bee pupils, all lined up, taking in a lesson. She is a fine instructor, even if she does cover the dining room in chalk along the way.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Carleigh had her first pancake today

She could care less, but Mommy and Sissy were excited
She was looking over at her bottle of banana puffs, longingly..

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What I do

during naptime

Monday, March 8, 2010

what Ive been working on all day

I know, the wording is creepy, is a place holder..
I am designing an album to show at our upcoming meetings, and I have gotten a few pages done today. Whew, I'm beat!

Sunday, March 7, 2010



No pictures were snapped with a real camera today, so I went rummaging and found this one of Carleigh Janie's first treatment. We need to raise Asthma awareness, so here you go!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bring Your Friends to Funk

It was the last Funk class today, so we were allowed to invite some pals to come along. Of course Autumn invited Colby and Mikala. Only Mik was able to come with her family, but it was great anyways.
Autumn learned a routine and showed it off on stage

then the kids ran off stage to greet their guests

before inviting them "upstage" to join in on the routine

Mikala was not interested in dancing with the class, but her mom and baby sister Maddie didn't hesitate to boogie down. We had a blast!

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Big Girl

How did it happen? She is so tall, and skinny, and just pretty. I don't know when it happened. I'm not sure I'm too fond of her getting older and doing big kid things. She wants to take the training wheels off her bike, and is talking about Kindergarten all the time. Can someone please stop the clock? What amazes me is how someone so young and sweet can be so pensive. She always seems to be deep in thought, very responsive and always aware, but just cautious and thoughtful. Pictures always capture that side of her.

Oh, Auty. My big kid, no need to rush growing up. It will be gone in a flash...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Not what I envisioned

But, just as cute!
I set out to get a "first tooth" picture, but the silly goose wouldn't let go of the paci. So, we got a crooked paci picture. She does this with her pacifier ALL the time. Love it. And, we still don't have a concrete eye color yet.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Well, she has done it...

She figured out how to crawl on all four. This is a great day, and a dreaded day. Ha. I am in deeeep trouble now, because this kid, well, she is trouble. Trouble, with a capital 'T'. I am lovin' it though.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This week, on my forum, there was a contest for the letter 'R'. All weekend I was trying to figure something out. I thought of everything and nothing seemed cute enough to compete. So, when I sat Carleigh in the tub and she found the foam letter 'R' I hollered for the camera and just barely caught this funny moment.
This isn't a contest for the best photography, because obviously this isn't a quality pic, its about the feeling of the picture. This kid just kills me, she is hilarious.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I really shouldn't bake

At least, I really shouldn't bake and try to get two kids settled for the night. And, when the timer beeps I should reset it, because I KNOW my memory is that bad.