Today was Autumn's EEG. We had to sleep deprive her enough so that she would be ready to sleep when we got there at 12:30. We went to a movie at 7:45p.m. last night, we stopped on the way home, we stayed up til ELEVEN at night. It was HARD!!! She thought it was great, but Grammy and I were plum worn out. Then to wake her at 6:30a.m.?? Oy! This picture tells you how tired we were
And, then Vickie got started. She measured and drew red t's everywhere
Then began using wax to stick electrodes all over Autumn's head. It was a rainbow in her hair
Autumn was only nervous for a couple of seconds, and then she relaxed. She was more tired than anything
In order for her to be able to get comfortable while she slept, Vickie wrapped Autumn's head to keep the electrodes in place. Nothing like seeing your child, looking more ill than she is to make you realize that you can make it through this, and we can handle whatever life throws at us, as long as we are together. I love how sweet she looks in this picture, but I have to admit its hard to look at her with her head wrapped, laying on a hospital table. Thank God for perspective.
AW, Sweet Autumn. I have tears in my eyes. You were so proud today and what a brave big girl you are! And how cool to have a rainbow in your hair! You will have to tell Alexa and Julia all about it the next time you see them! Good job, Shawn and Tricia. Keep up the good work. Keep on trecking!
What a sweet and brave girl. You are all i my prayers. And I know how you feel seeing your baby on a hospital bed. It was torture for us as well.
She's so darn brave! And, she always makes me cry. I'm so glad she's almost there with all these darn tests!
Reminds me of when i was working. Miss those days. Was doing a lot of these before I left. It's very hard to do these on children and TRUST me I'm glad that they wrapped her head because those electrodes can be SO fickle and come off with the slightest movement of the head. Plus with all her beautiful hair...yeah. LOL
Hope it went well and that you'll be able to find some answers. If there is anything there, the neurologist will find it.
Praying for you guys as always. KUP on things go. Hoping to get some internet time while I'm away, but if not, I've always got my phone and facebook to find out what's on the up and up :)
Love you guys!
What a great kid! And remember Mommy, she smells you! Hahahaha
Oh, man, this brings back memories for us! I'm going to have to do a "looking back" post about all this stuff! Been there, done that! She looks like she was very good with it all!
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