Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 4- Processing Week

We are calling this preset 'WinterFresh'. Shawn created this preset Bridge. I love how it looks with this picture, but we tried it on a few others and it just didn't fit. I bet we will come across more that its perfect for. Maybe the snow pictures we will be taking in Big Bear over Valentine's Day weekend. Hee hee!


Grammy said...

I am not sure why, but the hair on the back of her head looks green. I think I mentioned to Tricia that the one of Carleigh, her mouth looks green. Weird, must be my monitor?

Stacey G. said...

Looks a little green to me too, and what a face! Still liking day 1...

Jamie said...

I like that! I bet it would look nice with snow pictures!

AutumnLove said...

I think the green is from the blue cast mixing with her blond hair. I am sure I could paint it out if we planned on using it for something.

ShawnieBoy said...

its not green...its art. the pic is displayed the way i intended it. colors are supposed to be a bit it an edgy feel, for the edgy expression on her face!