Saturday, January 30, 2010

Trip to the Eye Doctor

We noticed that Autumn has started covering her left eye when writing and reading, a sign of a problem that started when she was just a baby. Autumn had eye surgery at two to correct a problem called Intermittent Exotropia, which means that her eyes took turns wandering outwards. When I noticed this new behavior I thought it must be her hair in her eyes, and started clipping her hair back. When that didn't work I called and made an appointment to get it checked out.
We arrived a few minutes early and busted out the Ipod Touch. We have some movies, and cool apps on there for Autumn. She was happy to sit and dig through it, all by herself.
Then she tried her hand at some photography. I think this is a cool shot of my new purse.

Mister Matt came in. She really took to him, even invited him to her Funk class the next morning, but he has a puppy that needs tending to, bummer.

On with the super cool shades

Look at my big girl. Last time we were here I had to sit with her, not because she was too small but because she was a little nervous. Not anymore!

Another great shot by Auty. Say "CHEESE" Dr. Ostrow!

She was so patient

We had to go with dilation to see if we could trick her eyes into wandering, if they were going to.
Not a problem though, they have a very cool playroom for kids who are waiting to dilate.

Check out this cool toy

You won't believe who was there waiting for her.. Yep, Woody! She loves Woody, in fact, she has three of them. And, she still wanted to bring this one home. She loves him, you know?

After about a half hour of working with her Dr. Ostrow decided we would need to come back. All the symptoms of an issue are there. Looks like she might need to just do some exercises if we can find the root of the problem. We go back in two Thursdays for some "eye strain", sounds interesting, huh?


Stacey G. said...

Aww, she's gotten to be such a big girl!