Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bathing Bratty

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Trip to the Eye Doctor

We noticed that Autumn has started covering her left eye when writing and reading, a sign of a problem that started when she was just a baby. Autumn had eye surgery at two to correct a problem called Intermittent Exotropia, which means that her eyes took turns wandering outwards. When I noticed this new behavior I thought it must be her hair in her eyes, and started clipping her hair back. When that didn't work I called and made an appointment to get it checked out.
We arrived a few minutes early and busted out the Ipod Touch. We have some movies, and cool apps on there for Autumn. She was happy to sit and dig through it, all by herself.
Then she tried her hand at some photography. I think this is a cool shot of my new purse.

Mister Matt came in. She really took to him, even invited him to her Funk class the next morning, but he has a puppy that needs tending to, bummer.

On with the super cool shades

Look at my big girl. Last time we were here I had to sit with her, not because she was too small but because she was a little nervous. Not anymore!

Another great shot by Auty. Say "CHEESE" Dr. Ostrow!

She was so patient

We had to go with dilation to see if we could trick her eyes into wandering, if they were going to.
Not a problem though, they have a very cool playroom for kids who are waiting to dilate.

Check out this cool toy

You won't believe who was there waiting for her.. Yep, Woody! She loves Woody, in fact, she has three of them. And, she still wanted to bring this one home. She loves him, you know?

After about a half hour of working with her Dr. Ostrow decided we would need to come back. All the symptoms of an issue are there. Looks like she might need to just do some exercises if we can find the root of the problem. We go back in two Thursdays for some "eye strain", sounds interesting, huh?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Love Is In The Air

Colby took Autumn out for her first Movie Date

Can you tell he feels like a stud??

He earns high marks for being a gentleman. Although, I don't think they will be going out again soon. He did show up with flowers, bought her favorite candy to share, took her to a movie that any four year old girl would love (Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Squeakuel), and sat right next to her the whole movie (well, maybe not). She had a blast.
Special thanks go to the handsome young man's wonderful mother, who ensured all hands would be kept to themselves, ha ha.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Because Stacey said..

a post last night wasn't good enough to cover today.. I certainly don't want to owe anyone a $1!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Freddie comes to Cali

I belong to a wonderful board of women who all went through our pregnancies together, and now we have these adorable little ones that we get to brag about as often as we please.
Our host (at one point) had the awesome idea of getting a firefly, since we are the July Fireflies (Carleigh came early), and passing him around the country until everyone had a turn with 'Freddie'.
Kelly had him first and then he made his way to California.. Boy, was he glad to get to warmer a climate than Kansas City!
Welcome Freddie!!
Carleigh liked him at first

That didn't last long

For the rest of his trip

Poor Freddie was just tolerated...

He spent his afternoons posing for the camera, in hopes for some love from Carleigh

She wasn't interested in his pleas for love

So, its time for Freddie to hit the road. On to happier times little Firefly. Keep your tail lit, someone is bound to love you.

Oh, those eyes..

Are they brown, green, gray...?
They are sure twinkly, no matter what the color.
This child has passion in her eyes, burning bright. I can't wait to see what she does in this big world.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Its Child's Play

Our church hosted a free play night at Child's Play
and the kids had a blast.
Check out Carleigh being GI Joe, she looks hardcore, huh?

It was a great turn out for Ridgeline!

Thanks for a great time Ridge!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pretty Girls Love Mud

I had a brilliant idea that Stacey is going to LOVE!
After the rain stopped, I looked around and it was like a world of wonderful puddles! Everytime Autumn asked if she could play in the rain, or stomp in a puddle I had to say no because we were heading somewhere, or about to go inside for nap. So, When I saw all those wet, muddy puddles I thought, hmmmm... Then we had lunch with a group of good pals, and there Autumn and Mikala were, wearing nice mud stompin' boots. Coincidence??
We drove off in search. The girls still didn't really believe they were going to splash, although they were quite excited. When we (got the camera out) and unleashed them they had no idea what to do.
It didn't take long to figure that part out

And, they even had time to make it look pretty, and peaceful

But, this is where things took a turn for the dirty

Don't worry though, they loved every second of this

These two pretty girls know how to have fun, and get dirty (for the camera)


Look at that toosh (Stacey, thats really gross, huh?)

"Hey, Mikala. Are you ready?"

Here they go!!

And, of course... More time for pretty.

We had such a good time. I hope that Autumn and Mikala will look back on this with laughter. I know Mikala's mom, Carin, will. She probably did after she cursed about her nice shoes that bit the mud.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The weather outside was frightful....

But the snow is so delightful!
Look at those amazingly white mountains! We can't wait to go frolick in Big Bear. Grammy and Papa went this weekend, and literally had to dig themselves in. They have a four foot fence around the perimeter of the cabin, couldn't see it anymore!

And, a picture of our pretty girl. Just for good measure.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Autumn loves Summer

When the American Girl catalogue came I thought anyone who would buy their daughter a doll that costs more than a tank of gas (or 2x the cost) is out of their mind. That was until my daughter found said catalogue and all the girly, fun things inside. Trouble started then. Luckily, Christmas was upon us, and I hadn't gotten her anything more than a couple of figurines. So, when she delved into that book and found a dollie that looked just like her, the belief that it was ludicrous went out the window, and we bought our first American Girl.
Behold, Autumn and Summer
Dare I say it was money well spent??

Friday, January 22, 2010

The RUFF Life

My poor pooch, Amber, was so worn out after a long day of well... basically, nothing.
She sure is cute though.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whats Cookin'

Good Lookin'

Baked Taters


Think we can do it?

Welcome to the Werner family 365 blog. We are going to attempt to post a picture every day this year.. This should be a good challenge, especially if you know me. Forgetful Fran should have been my name.